Like you, we also love a good bargain, especially when it comes to saving money when traveling! And we wanted to help you make your travel goals come true. So we put up some travel tips on how we can help you have a great adventure with a limited budget.

Traveling is a wonderful opportunity, and being able to travel with a budget makes it easier for people. Also, if you spend less for an adventure, you have money to spend for another. Budget travel should not be less fun. There are cheap places to travel to all over the world, including plenty of places to travel on a budget here in the Philippines. There are lots of ways to save money when you’re traveling, from planning your travel budget carefully before you leave, considering booking ahead and traveling on off peak season, to taking advantage of seat sales through to the choices you make (e.g. food) when you are on your trip.


1. Choose your destination carefully.

Some places are naturally more expensive or cheaper than the other. Our first tip for traveling on a budget is to choose places that are not on a top list of a tourist destinations or if you wanted to really go to those places, travel off-season.

Or maybe it’s somewhere that’s cheap and easy to get to, somewhere where the currency gets you good value because of the exchange rate, or somewhere that has a lower cost of living than home!




2. Avoid tourist traps.

Big cities and tourist spots are often a lot more expensive than straying off the beaten track! Try and choose less well-known destinations. Even within your destination, avoid restaurants on the main strip and try something down a sidewalk. The food will probably be better as well as cheaper!


3. Travel off-season.

Sure, you might not be able to guarantee the weather, but your chosen destination will be a lot less busy and crowded. Not only will you save a lot of money, but you’ll have it all to yourself!


4. Get travel insurance.

Perhaps the most important tip for traveling on a budget! Sure, it’s initially an extra expense, but you’ll thank yourself for sorting it out if your trip gets canceled, or other unexpected events.


5. Book in advance.

Last-minute deals can be a godsend if you’re traveling on a budget, but it’s often cheaper (and less stressful!) to book transport, accommodation, and activities well in advance.


6. Choosing accommodation.

Accommodation isn’t always advertised online and you may save money when traveling by booking to travel agents, especially for places in small towns. It really depends on where you’re going!


7. Pack well.

Firstly, pack light. You won’t wear half the clothes you want to take, and it’ll only cost you more in baggage to bring more than you need.

However, one of the most important tips for traveling on a budget is that it’s important to check that you take everything you need, not forgetting anything! If you forget something, it could cost a lot of money to buy that essential missing item when you’re abroad.


8. Fly mid-week.

Flights are more expensive at weekends, because more people are free to travel. Try and fly between Tuesday-Thursday, if you can.


9. Be prepared to share.

You’ll save a lot of money on accommodation when traveling if you’re willing to travel with joiners plus you’ll meet alot of people. You might also find your special someone there.


10.Plan with Travel Agents

Travel agents like us, has access to all airlines and accommodations. We know when fares are high and low. Plus you will save a lot of time and headaches to put all things together, from airline tickets, accommodation, and activities. Tell us how much your budget and we will find a good deal for you. And when you encountered any problems, you have your travel agent to sort it all out for you.