Metro Manila is the hub of all activity in the Philippines. More than that, the variety of food it has is mind-boggling!

For those thinking of chilling out in this busy city, here are 3 delicacies that are a must-have when in Manila:

Leche Flan

(Pic: Wikimedia)

This beautiful dessert is steam-cooked and one of the most popular sweets in the Philippines. It is made of milk (both evaporated and condensed), egg yolks, sugar and vanilla essence, with a gooey caramel sauce. If you are someone who likes rich and exceptionally sweet desserts, you will love Manila for the Leche Flan. It is available in most restaurants in Manila and is served in many different shapes and sizes.


(Pic: Wikimedia)

The Bibingka is a traditional dessert sold mainly after Christmas night mass. It signifies celebration.

This soft dessert is made of rice flour and coconut milk, and baked in a fresh banana leaf. The ideal way to eat it is to smother it in butter and coconut flakes.

Buko Pie

(Pic: Wikimedia)

A popular snack in the Philippines, Buko Pie is made from young coconut meat and condensed milk. It has a firm, lovely crust and a fragrance that’s heavenly. You could pair it with a scoop of your favourite ice-cream.

Happy Eating!

(Featured Image: Wikimedia)